#1 Acrylic Source for Construction Concrete Enhancing Polymer


Add to any batch of concrete to increase physical and chemical properties.
Increases compressive and tensile strength, decreases permeability and greatly improves chemical resistance.
Prohibits efflorescence.
Ideal for patching, forms a bond to existing concrete stronger than the original.
Primer for all metal, concrete and wood surfaces before painting.
Use to Saturate polyester fabric before overcoating with Acrylic roofing.
Waterproof grout for tile and masonry work.
Use to create a low cost concrete paint.

Typical Patch Material Formula:


  1. Clean using high pressure water being sure to remove all oil or grease. Dry until all excess moisture is gone.
  2. Spray or brush apply ASA 603 CEP @200 sq. ft. per gallon. Allow prime coat to dry.
  3. Mix patch material and trowel into eroded areas. Minimum film thickness of 1/4 inch. Can be feather edged.
  4. Allow patch material to cure (minimum 12 hours) before overcoating with epoxy, urethane or thin set Polymer Concrete.

More complete application instructions for resurfacing using LikeNu are available here.

ASA 603 CEP is perfect for sealing and repairing
cement floors, tank bottoms, steps, sidewalks or any other concrete surface.
LikeNu is the cement coating you apply like paint.
Please CONTACT us for additional information or price quotation.
#1 Acrylic Source for Construction
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September 26, 2013

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