#1 Acrylic Source for Construction
White Acrylic Membrane Cools and Protects

Tank Roof Coating


This oil storage tank at a New England power plant was suffering from major corrosion damage. Several areas required rewelding of seams and steel plate replacement.
Severly Corroded Roof


After mechanical repairs were completed the roof was power washed to remove dirt and debris. The roof was then coated with ASA 603 Prime to encapsulate any remaining oxides and create a corrosion resistant coating. It was then given two coats of ASA 606.


The first coat was standard ASA 606 White and the second had green colorant added to match the coloration of the tank sidewalls.
Two Coats Applied

Annual Report

After sixty-two months of service the roof is reported to be in perfect condition.

 roofs,roofing,white roof,roof shingles,roof coating,roof repair,flat roof,roof materials,paint,mold,algae,waterproofing,UV, elastomeric,rubber,concrete,wood,protection
Application      Quantity Calculator      Physical Properties  roofs,roofing,white roof,roof shingles,roof coating,roof repair,flat roof,roof materials,paint,mold,algae,waterproofing,UV, elastomeric,rubber,concrete,wood,protection
ASA 606 is perfect for sealing and protecting
metal roofs, built-up roofs and flashings.
LikeNu is perfect for restoring and sealing
concrete tank bases or parapet walls
before ASA 606 application.
Please CONTACT us for additional information or price quotation.
#1 Acrylic Source for Construction
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roofs,roofing,white roof,roof shingles,roof coating,roof repair,flat roof,roof materials,paint,mold,algae,waterproofing,UV, elastomeric,rubber,concrete,wood,protection
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September 26, 2013

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